Fr, 28.09. | 20:30
METRO Historisch
Sa, 29.09. | 23:00
METRO Historisch

In this Italian film noir Mia loses her voice when her father is shot during his second wedding. Not many remnants of the fairy tale are left 15 years later and spook through the abandoned hallways of a sinking cruise ship in the harbor of Naples like computer projections of living memories. In this retro-futuristic adaption Cinderella (Mia) lives with her stepmother and six sisters in a world full of razor sharp cynicism that can not only be found in the glass slippers made out of cocaine.

In attendence of director Alessandro Rak and Dario Sansone.

When and where?
Fr, 28.09. | 20:30
METRO Historisch
Sa, 29.09. | 23:00
METRO Historisch
IT 2017 | 86 Min | DCP
Language OmeU
Director Alessandro Rak, Ivan Cappiello, Marino Guarnieri, Dario Sansone
Cast Massimiliano Gallo, Maria Pia Calzone, Alessandro Gassmann, Mariano Rigillo, Renato Carpentieri
Writer Barbara Ciardo, Annarita Calligaris, Antonia Emanuela Angrisani
Editing Marino Guarnieri, Alessandro Rak
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